Starbucks Chile Mocha Frappuccino

I’m not much of a Starbucks person, mainly because I dislike coffee. I still go in on occasion, usually getting a mocha Frappuccino. I don’t make it a habit though, mainly because of the price.

A sign outside the Starbucks near my office got my attention recently. They were promoting their fall drinks, and while I’m going to pass on the Pumpkin Spice Latte, I was intrigued by the Chile Mocha Frapp. I decided to pick one up for a morning caffeine boost.

Bad pic…Whoops.

No whip because I don’t like whip cream. It’s just filler. I noticed there were chunks in the drink. I couldn’t tell if it was chocolate or chile flakes. Looks like I was about to find out.

It was like a typical mocha frapp, but with a spicy aftertaste that lingered a bit. Nothing crazy. And those were definitely chile flakes (or something similarly spicy, like chile chocolate). I was enjoying the first few sips.

…And then I wasn’t enjoying it anymore. The problem is that the spiciness made it not feel refreshing anymore. And the little chunks left a dry feeling in my mouth every time I bit one. It was an interesting concept, but it just didn’t work for me.
