Nobel Burger Bar Cheeseburger

It’s vacation time for me, but I thought I could get out a couple quick reviews at least. My first one comes straight from Pearson Airport. Before my flight out, I was feeling a bit peckish, so I decided to grab a bite at the Nobel Burger Bar. And by a bite, I mean only a cheeseburger because I didn’t want to shell out a lot of cash.

I hope you like cheese.

The burger looked decent. Not much dressing on it, which I could appreciate. I know that’s a deal breaker for a lot of people though.

It wasn’t bad, it wasn’t a $14 burger. The cheese to burger to bun ratio was well balanced, but nothing really took it over the edge. I would knock down the price by at least 5 dollars. Probably more. I should’ve just gotten a burger at Wendy’s.

I’m not sure if there are any other locations outside of Pearson Airport, but I would give this place a pass unless you find yourself waiting a long time inside terminal three for a flight.



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