Wendy’s Grilled Chicken Sandwich

So, I haven’t been posting much lately. Between going on vacation and getting horribly sick, I haven’t had much time to eat out. That and I’m trying to cut back. I’ll go out when I see something interesting or new, but I’ll probably won’t be ordering combos and such. I may be unhealthy, but I’m a little less unhealthy now.

Anyways, I was at Wendy’s and was about to buy a Spicy Chicken Sandwich when I saw their sign for the new Grilled Chicken Sandwich. I thought they already had grilled chicken, but I guess they redesigned it. I noticed it had a special bun which looked interesting. So I figured, hey why not? I’d give it a shot.


No, that’s not a mistake. I kept the tomatoes on. I need to get better about that. But damn did this look better in the picture. Here, the bun looked a lot grainier and the “spring mix” was wilting. Are they trying to make this look healthier or something with the new bun? I’m eating fast food here. I’m not going to try kidding myself. If I’m going to eat something healthy, I’ll just make it myself. And the wilting leaves were not helping their cause.

I stared at it a bit. I was worried Wendy’s was about to disappoint me for a second straight review. I took a bite, and then took off the tomato. Sorry, I tried, but I’m still not ready. The chicken was really good though. I didn’t know what the sauce was at the time, but it had a smoky flavour with a bit of a tang. Turns out, it was smoky honey mustard. I was surprised because I normally don’t like mustard, but I guess honey mustard is a lot different.

The bun wasn’t doing it for me though. I would’ve preferred a normal bun and crisp leaf lettuce, but then that wouldn’t have been very “new” I guess. Maybe a healthier looking spring mix would’ve helped instead. It wasn’t very crisp at all.

Would I get this over a Spicy Chicken Sandwich? Probably not, but it wasn’t bad. It’s worth getting again if I wanted a chicken sandwich that wasn’t spicy.


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