McDonald’s Delectable Bacon & Cheese Burger

Today, I took my final stop* on the Great Canadian Taste Adventure. We’re back to beef with the Quebec Delectable Bacon and Cheese Burger. I’m usually weary of food that uses descriptors like “delicious” or “tasty” in the official name. It feels forced and almost suspicious. I’d rather make that decision for myself (or from a recommendation) instead of being told by the restaurant “THIS IS DELICIOUS BECAUSE WE SAID SO”.

But I can forgive a bad name if the food is good. Let’s see if this one adventure ends on a high note or just sticks to mediocrity.

Wait a minute…Something’s off…

And we have a first for this adventure! Actually, a first for this blog entirely. No custom order! All that was on this burger was Swiss cheese, bacon, lettuce, and Hickory Seasoned Sauce. Everything there I was fine with. Well, I was a bit nervous about the sauce, but it wasn’t going to turn me away.

Where’d the bacon go?
There we go!

Oh man, they were pretty generous with that bacon. Score! And as far as fast food bacon goes, I like McDonald’s bacon. It doesn’t feel flimsy like some other places I’ve been, so I’m not worried about that. What will make or break the sandwich is the sauce, which they were also rather generous with.

After my first bite it was…good! Yes! Finally, after three burgers, we have a good one. The sauce wasn’t over powering and the hickory flavour went well with the bacon. My only gripe would be the amount of sauce. This was really messy to eat. I had trouble picking this up without having the bun slide off. And I’m the kind of person who likes to only have a light sauce on my burgers so it doesn’t drown out the other flavours. But I know other people who like their burgers/wings/whatever other meat extra saucy. To each their one.

This one I’d order again. In fact, I probably will when it comes back through the rotation late July. Possibly even twice. Congrats Quebec. You win the taste adventure.


*There’s also a British Columbia Nanaimo Bar Sundae. I’m not big on the sundaes at McDonald’s, so I doubt I’ll get around to this one. There’s also a True North BLT McMuffin, but that’s got egg on it, which is a big no thank you for me. I’m not ready to make that step.


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