Bacon Candy

Just a quick write up for today. My friends recently found a place in Whitby called Soda Pop Central. You can guess from the name what they specialize in. They’ve got all kinds of offbeat soda flavours in stock, like chocolate, cookie dough, and … ranch dressing… Lovely…

I’ve actually already tried some of the sodas there, and it’s a great place if you want something unique. But that’s not all they have. They also have candy, and my friend picked up a pack of bacon candy.

Individually wrapped?! It has to be good now.

Oh bacon, the darling of the Internet. Yes, maybe it’s a bit overused, but it is pretty damn delicious. As a candy though, I have my doubts.


They definitely nailed the look. I should’ve gotten the producer’s info. Oh well. Lesson learned.

They also nailed the smell. It wasn’t strong, but it had the scent of bacon cooking. Can’t say that this was completely unappetizing.

I popped it into my mouth and it was mostly just sugar. Sugar with a hint of processed meat. It was sweeter than I thought it was going to be. I think it could’ve used a bit more bacon flavour to be honest. If you gave me one and asked me what flavour it was, I honestly wouldn’t have been able to tell you. If I’m eating bacon candy, I want it to scream “this is bacon candy” to my taste buds. Overall, it wasn’t the worst candy I’ve had, but it wasn’t worth having again.


(If you’re in the Toronto area, I would definitely recommend checking out Soda Pop Central if you want something new and interesting to try. You won’t be disappointed.)


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