Wendy’s Bacon Mozzarella Burger

Ah, Wendy’s. My personal fast food of choice. Most of the time, I end up getting the Spicy Chicken Sandwich, but I love their burgers too. Yet, despite my love for their food…I tend to stay within my comfort picks, rarely venturing out into their new items. If you’ve been following this blog, then that shouldn’t be a surprise. But it’s time to break that trend with their Bacon Mozzarella Burger.

I’ve stated before that I’m not much of a cheese person. The exception is mozzarella. There’s a few other cheeses I do like, but mozzarella is the one cheese I can eat without needing at least a cracker. So the Bacon Mozzarella Burger was a natural choice to try out for this blog. In fact, I was rather excited about this one.


Gotta get the combo. I was pretty hungry today. I have to say, Wendy’s fries have gotten better recently. If you asked me ten years ago what I thought of Wendy’s, I would’ve told you, “Great burgers. Mediocre fries.” Not the case anymore. I’m glad they saw that they needed to fix what they had. They still don’t top McDonald’s fries though.

Now that the fries were out of the way, it was time take a look at this burger.


It looked decent. That top bun was kinda scrunched, but it’s not too bad. And for the second time ever, no customization. The toppings were bacon, lettuce, onion, garlic parmesan sauce, and, of course, a slice of mozzarella cheese. I lifted the bun and noticed that the sauce was plentiful but it was very contained. With great anticipation, I took my first bite.

Remember the first few reviews I did when I said the cheese was barely noticeable? Not the case here. This cheese was strong. Along with the sauce, I could barely taste anything else. Not even the onion. That’s pretty impressive, and not in a good way. I wanted to taste the meat, but I couldn’t get past the sauce and cheese. I got to the point where was scraping off sauce so I could taste the bacon.

I needed breath mints after this one, because boy did my breath feel gross. I had choir practice after and I don’t hate my choir mates that much.

This was the most disappointed I’ve been so far since I’ve started reviewing items. And it wasn’t because my expectations were high on this one. It just wasn’t working for me. I was hoping to give a positive review for my first Wendy’s post, but things don’t always go as planned. Better luck next time Wendy’s (and seriously, tone down the sauce a bit).


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