KFC Zinger Sandwich

I’ve stated before one of my favourite fast food orders is the Spicy Chicken Sandwich at Wendy’s. I like trying spicy items at different fast food places whenever I can. But despite this fact, I haven’t had a Zinger sandwich at KFC. It was my aversion to trying new sauces that stopped me. With Wendy’s, the chicken itself is spicy and it has regular mayo, so I can order it without mayo and still have a spicy experience. The one time I tried to order a Zinger years ago, I was told that getting without Zinger sauce is pointless, so I never tried it.

Last few sauces I’ve tried have gone well. Even when I didn’t like the sauce, none of them have been repulsively bad. The Zinger sandwich should be right up my alley.


Hm. I wasn’t seeing much sauce. I popped off the top to see what was under the hood, so to speak.


It’s all slopped in the middle there. I have no problem with shredded lettuce, but leaf lettuce always looks better. The lettuce was crisp, which isn’t always the case with KFC. Half of the time when I order sandwiches at KFC, it comes with soggy, wilted lettuce of disappointment.

I took a sample of the chicken itself without the sauce. It had a minor kick to it, but not really much. I can see why I was advised against having it without the sauce.

I took a few bites into the saucy part and I could feel the heat building, but it didn’t get very hot. And they reeeeeally sauced this one. It was beginning to ooze out.

I should’ve taken a few more napkins

In my opinion, this one was okay, but it wasn’t as good as the Wendy’s Spicy Chicken or the A&W Habanero Chicken. The sauce was too thick and it didn’t deliver as much heat as I wanted. Another problem I have with this sandwich is something that bothers me about their Big Crunch; the breading is too thick. Maybe that’s the point, but I feel like it only takes away from the meat. It’s not bad though. Maybe you’d like it if want something spicy, but not too hot. For me though, there’s better spicy sandwiches out there. I’d still consider this one next time I go to KFC, or if I had a coupon for a sandwich combo.


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