A&W Maple Chipotle Burger

I went to A&W the other day to get another Smokey Teen BBQ Burger. To my dismay, it turned out the special wasn’t all summer long. It was replaced by the Maple Chipotle Burger.

I was disappointed, but now I was given something new to review, so there was a silver lining. It was a fine silver lining, because the burger didn’t sound all that appealing. Most maple & meat combos I’ve had in the past haven’t gone well. But I was intrigued enough to give it a shot.


I was hungry, so I got the Papa Burger variant with the full combo. The fries needed more salt, but that’s beside the point. That’s not what you’re here for. After finishing my fries, I took the burger out of the wrapping to see what I was getting into.


Nice looking piece of bacon peeking out there. Given the bacon was a disappointment last time, it’s nice to see they have actual good bacon. The besides the bacon, the burger is topped with maple BBQ sauce, chipotle mayo, crispy onion straws, onion slices, cheddar cheese, and pickles. I was worried about the amount of onions. I was getting flashbacks of that overly onion-y Western BBQ Burger at McDonald’s.

My worries were unfounded, mainly because the onion straws had barely any presence. If I hadn’t known beforehand they were there, I wouldn’t have ever noticed. The sauces were front and present in this sandwich, as they should be. The only problem was that they weren’t very good. The first couple bites were okay, but it didn’t wow me.

The more I ate, the more that maple BBQ sauce was disagreeing with me. It was too sweet, and I didn’t like how it tasted with the burger. The chipotle mayo wasn’t spicy. I wasn’t expecting it to be crazy hot, but it was mild. No burn at all.

Now I’m really disappointed I missed getting another Smokey BBQ Teen Burger. This is a mediocre replacement. It was edible, but I won’t be ordering this again. At least the bacon was good this time.


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