McDonald’s Potato Rosti Burger and Waffle Fries

Christmas is around the corner and McDonald’s has decided to make a few new holiday items. This time, I’ll be looking at their new Potato Rosti Burger and Waffle Fries.

…Are these really Christmas-y? Are Rosti a traditional Christmas dish somewhere? Or maybe they just wanted an excuse to come out with a new sandwich so saps like me will order it.


Okay, let’s start w- no wait. Is that what I think it is?


Yes. Their potato rosti was just a hash brown. I like hash browns, but it’s disappointing to expect something new and it’s just an old staple. I can understand why they did that. Why make something new when you already have something you can use and say that it’s new?

Anyway, before getting to the burger, I took a taste of the fries. And I was immediately disappointed. They’re crispier than their regular fries and have less sodium. And don’t taste as good. I’m not sure if it’s the additional surface area, or the longer cook time (at least it feels that way), but there’s a noticeable taste difference. Not going to get these ever again. They weren’t bad, but I’m not paying extra for a product that tastes worse.

Now it was time for the burger. The first bite was okay, but it was almost all beef. When I had opened it up, I noticed there was barely any sauce on it, so I wasn’t surprised. The next couple bites I got more of the other elements. I can see why the cheese sauce was used sparingly because it’s a very strong parmesan cheese sauce. Too bad the hash brown couldn’t stick out. I got none of its flavour and it just felt like mushy filler. And because the hash brown wasn’t strong, the onions didn’t work as well as they could.

This was an interesting idea, but it fell flat. It wasn’t terrible, just very unremarkable. And stay away from those waffle fries.

5/10 for both.

Harvey’s Pizza Burger

I haven’t done any Harvey’s reviews on this blog yet. I don’t really see them coming out with many “new” products (or maybe I haven’t really paid much attention). Their selling point is the fact that you can build your hamburger your way, so it’s hard to imagine what they could have that’s new besides new topping choices. But they managed to do it. They came out with a Pizza Burger.

This wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had a pizza burger. Boston Pizza released one a few years ago. The execution is slightly different. Harvey’s uses a regular burger bun, whereas Boston Pizza’s has a pizza pocket style cover. In my opinion, Boston Pizza’s burger was very mediocre, mainly because I’m not a fan of their burgers. Harvey’s, on the other hand, is…well, they’re a bit better. I’ve never been a huge fan, but their Angus burgers are alright.

So I went ahead and order their Pizza Burger with an Angus Patty.


It’s got cheese, pizza sauce, and pepperoni. Your standard pizza toppings. It was incredibly messy. First bite worked out pretty well. But the more I ate, the less I enjoyed it. The outer part of the pepperoni was nice and crisp, but in the middle, it was soft. I tend to like my pepperoni well cooked. The cheese was bland. The sauce was okay, but it didn’t work well with the beef.

They tried, but I’ve still yet to have a really good pizza burger. Now I’m wondering if I could make one myself. That could be a fun experiment to try for a future post. But as far as this burger goes, I’d say pass unless you’re really curious. It’s better than the Boston Pizza version at least, but that’s not saying much.


Checkers Baconzilla

Last time I was in Miami with my friends, we wanted to check out a burger joint that we don’t have in Canada. We stopped by Checkers. I got chicken strips which were quite good. My friends ended up getting the Baconzilla, a double burger with generous helpings of cheese and bacon. They loved it, but they were knocked out for the rest of the day.

Now I was finally back in Miami years later and the same Checkers was open. My friends didn’t accompany me this time, but I decided this time, I would try a Baconzilla. No ketchup or mayo, because that’s my style.


That cheese was just oozing off that burger. The fries were delicious. A bit dry, but great flavour to them. I was glad I got the combo this time.

Once my fries were done, I bit into the burger. The beef was amazing and the bacon was nice and thick. But there was just too much cheese for me. It wasn’t bad cheese. But as someone who doesn’t eat a lot of cheese, I couldn’t handle it. I could understand why my friends thought it was amazing, but this burger was not for me. I could also see why they passed out last time, because this thing is dense.

My recommendation is that if you love cheese and bacon, give the Baconzilla a shot. For me, the cheese flavour just dominated everything else, which is a shame because the meat was really good. If I’m ever at a Checkers again, I’ll probably order a standard burger. Or maybe chicken. They’ve convinced me they’re at least worth another look.


Nobel Burger Bar Cheeseburger

It’s vacation time for me, but I thought I could get out a couple quick reviews at least. My first one comes straight from Pearson Airport. Before my flight out, I was feeling a bit peckish, so I decided to grab a bite at the Nobel Burger Bar. And by a bite, I mean only a cheeseburger because I didn’t want to shell out a lot of cash.

I hope you like cheese.

The burger looked decent. Not much dressing on it, which I could appreciate. I know that’s a deal breaker for a lot of people though.

It wasn’t bad, it wasn’t a $14 burger. The cheese to burger to bun ratio was well balanced, but nothing really took it over the edge. I would knock down the price by at least 5 dollars. Probably more. I should’ve just gotten a burger at Wendy’s.

I’m not sure if there are any other locations outside of Pearson Airport, but I would give this place a pass unless you find yourself waiting a long time inside terminal three for a flight.



Red Robin A1 Peppercorn Burger

I travel down to US pretty often. Whenever I’m down there, I like to go to Red Robin. One, because it’s near where my girlfriend lives and we don’t have one in Toronto. Two, because it’s pretty damn good. I usually get the standard tavern burger without cheese and tomato. Along with bottomless steak fries and their special seasoning, I always leave full and satisfied.

This time, I was in the mood for a change. I scanned their menu for something different. The chicken sandwiches looked interesting, but the burgers were too irresistible. Turns out, I wasn’t in the mood for too much of a change.

One burger stuck out to me, the A1 Peppercorn Burger. Topped with bacon, onion straws, pepper jack cheese, and A1 peppercorn sauce all on an onion bun, it sounded delicious. Well, there was also tomato, but we’ll just ignore that part.

My mind was set. I placed my order, along with the oddly named Nana-nana Moo-moo milkshake. It’s banana and chocolate and 100% delicious. It’s not extremely thick like some people prefer their shakes, but that doesn’t bother me. I’m just concerned with the taste. Plus, I’m a sucker for bananas.


Man, that looked as good I pictured it. And it’s not extremely messy either. One bite and I knew I made the right choice. The meat was succulent and the smoky sauce blended perfectly with them. Add a bit of a kick with that pepper jack cheese and this burger was perfect.

…Well, almost perfect. The onion straws weren’t very crisp, and a bit hard to chew because of that. They tasted nice, but the texture left much to be desired. It was a shame, because if they were so close to being great, but they were just difficult to eat.

I found my new go-to burger for whenever I go to Red Robin. …Maybe. That menu is pretty big. I’m sure I’ll be tempted by other items in the future. But I’ll definitely get this one a few more times. I can’t recommend this one enough.


A&W Maple Chipotle Burger

I went to A&W the other day to get another Smokey Teen BBQ Burger. To my dismay, it turned out the special wasn’t all summer long. It was replaced by the Maple Chipotle Burger.

I was disappointed, but now I was given something new to review, so there was a silver lining. It was a fine silver lining, because the burger didn’t sound all that appealing. Most maple & meat combos I’ve had in the past haven’t gone well. But I was intrigued enough to give it a shot.


I was hungry, so I got the Papa Burger variant with the full combo. The fries needed more salt, but that’s beside the point. That’s not what you’re here for. After finishing my fries, I took the burger out of the wrapping to see what I was getting into.


Nice looking piece of bacon peeking out there. Given the bacon was a disappointment last time, it’s nice to see they have actual good bacon. The besides the bacon, the burger is topped with maple BBQ sauce, chipotle mayo, crispy onion straws, onion slices, cheddar cheese, and pickles. I was worried about the amount of onions. I was getting flashbacks of that overly onion-y Western BBQ Burger at McDonald’s.

My worries were unfounded, mainly because the onion straws had barely any presence. If I hadn’t known beforehand they were there, I wouldn’t have ever noticed. The sauces were front and present in this sandwich, as they should be. The only problem was that they weren’t very good. The first couple bites were okay, but it didn’t wow me.

The more I ate, the more that maple BBQ sauce was disagreeing with me. It was too sweet, and I didn’t like how it tasted with the burger. The chipotle mayo wasn’t spicy. I wasn’t expecting it to be crazy hot, but it was mild. No burn at all.

Now I’m really disappointed I missed getting another Smokey BBQ Teen Burger. This is a mediocre replacement. It was edible, but I won’t be ordering this again. At least the bacon was good this time.


The Burger’s Priest High Priest

One popular burger spot here in Toronto is The Burger’s Priest. I’ve only been there once and I remember it being good. Now that this blog is up, it was about time I gave it a second look. Not that I needed an excuse to go out and get a good burger.

True to their name, most of their menu options have Biblical/religious themed names. My favourite name is their secret menu item, The Religious Hypocrite. It’s a veggie burger with bacon. I’d never get one, but I appreciate the humour. There’s also Bible verses written all over the walls. I don’t get the reasoning behind the Bible theme, but whatever works. As long as their food delivers on taste and quality, I’m not going to complain.

I ordered a High Priest, a double burger that’s constructed much like the Big Mac. No fries, but I got a Coke to wash it down. The banana milkshake was tempting, but I didn’t want to shell out the extra cash this time. Maybe next time.

I placed my order and took a seat. It was a few dollars more expensive than a Big Mac, but if it’s better, I won’t have a complaint. A few minutes later, I had my burger.

That’s one tall priest

Wow, that’s a substantial burger. This made the Big Mac look like a joke. But the big question was did it taste as good as it looked?

Yes, yes it did. This was basically a juicier version of the Big Mac. The sauce was pretty close, but it was a bit thicker and had a bit more tang. The pickles and the lettuce were fresh and crisp. At first, I was worried the middle bun being too thick, but it worked with the juicy patties. It flatted out more as I continued to eat. I’m glad I didn’t get the fries or the milkshake. I would’ve had a difficult time finishing them.

I can’t recommend this one enough. I can’t believe I waited this long to come back. Why am I not here more often? …Oh right, the price. And it’s not exactly health food either. Still, I can see myself coming back at least once a month. Next time, I’ll save some room for that milkshake.


McDonald’s Delectable Bacon & Cheese Burger

Today, I took my final stop* on the Great Canadian Taste Adventure. We’re back to beef with the Quebec Delectable Bacon and Cheese Burger. I’m usually weary of food that uses descriptors like “delicious” or “tasty” in the official name. It feels forced and almost suspicious. I’d rather make that decision for myself (or from a recommendation) instead of being told by the restaurant “THIS IS DELICIOUS BECAUSE WE SAID SO”.

But I can forgive a bad name if the food is good. Let’s see if this one adventure ends on a high note or just sticks to mediocrity.

Wait a minute…Something’s off…

And we have a first for this adventure! Actually, a first for this blog entirely. No custom order! All that was on this burger was Swiss cheese, bacon, lettuce, and Hickory Seasoned Sauce. Everything there I was fine with. Well, I was a bit nervous about the sauce, but it wasn’t going to turn me away.

Where’d the bacon go?
There we go!

Oh man, they were pretty generous with that bacon. Score! And as far as fast food bacon goes, I like McDonald’s bacon. It doesn’t feel flimsy like some other places I’ve been, so I’m not worried about that. What will make or break the sandwich is the sauce, which they were also rather generous with.

After my first bite it was…good! Yes! Finally, after three burgers, we have a good one. The sauce wasn’t over powering and the hickory flavour went well with the bacon. My only gripe would be the amount of sauce. This was really messy to eat. I had trouble picking this up without having the bun slide off. And I’m the kind of person who likes to only have a light sauce on my burgers so it doesn’t drown out the other flavours. But I know other people who like their burgers/wings/whatever other meat extra saucy. To each their one.

This one I’d order again. In fact, I probably will when it comes back through the rotation late July. Possibly even twice. Congrats Quebec. You win the taste adventure.


*There’s also a British Columbia Nanaimo Bar Sundae. I’m not big on the sundaes at McDonald’s, so I doubt I’ll get around to this one. There’s also a True North BLT McMuffin, but that’s got egg on it, which is a big no thank you for me. I’m not ready to make that step.